Sleep Facts Everyone Should Know
Sleep Facts Everyone Should Know

Sleep Facts Everyone Should Know

Sleep is a crucial part of staying healthy and feeling your best. While sleep is a regular part of your life, how much do you know about it? These sleep facts can help you learn more! You know that you need sleep in order to function, but how much should you be getting? How long should it take you to fall asleep? What happens if you become sleep deprived?
Knowing more about sleep can help you understand just how important it is for your health and well-being. Check out the following sleep facts, including some surprising ones!
(1)Hours of Sleep
Getting between 7 and 9 hours of sleep? You're getting the right amount for healthy adults, based on the latest research.
If you're not, keep in mind that other facts about sleep include that some people can function with a fewer hours' sleep, like 5 or 6 hours. Other people can't function without 10 or more hours of sleep.
(2)Physical Activity and Sleep
So you know that physical activity is great for your body and mind. But when you exercise can affect your sleep. Working out in the morning? Great idea for improving your sleep at night! Getting some evening exercise in? This can make it harder for you to get a good night’s sleep.
If you're having sleep problems and you exercise in the evening, try moving your workout earlier in the day. Exercise will benefit you much more if you're getting enough hours sleep per night.
(3)Sleep Delay Facts
Some fascinating sleep facts about humans include that we're the only mammals that willingly delay sleep. Other mammals that sleep go ahead and get the rest they need when they need it.
As humans, we’re the only type of sleeping mammal that puts off going to sleep, even when we know we should really be getting quality sleep.
(4)Sleep and Health Problems
Many sleep facts point to a higher risk of health problems for people who don't get enough sleep. Studies show that adults who sleep less than 7 hours night after night have an increased risk of having serious health problems, like diabetes and mental health issues.
For those who work odd hours, such as night shifts, the risks of having cardiovascular disease and other health problems increases.
(5)Sleep Facts About Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation is a serious problem. In fact, it can be deadly. The average person can only go about 10 days without any sleep.
Guinness World Records states that someone once went 449 hours or over 18 days without sleep, but that's not recommended! Did you know that sleep deprivation is partly to blame for major accidents, like Chernobyl?
(6)Sleep Environment
The environment you sleep in can affect your sleep quality. Sleep facts show that sleeping in a dark room that isn’t too hot gives you the ideal environment for a good night's rest. Also, make sure you're sleeping on a comfortable mattress and pillows, or you might end up tossing and turning over and over again.
(7)Facts About Couples and Sleep
While you might enjoy cozying up to your partner, not every couple sleeps in the same bed. Did you know that around 25% of married couples sleep in separate beds?
Sleep schedule, sleep positions, and even erratic movements during sleep can make sleeping next to a disruptive sleep partner a good way experience sleep loss. Snoring is among the top reasons for couples to sleep separately, especially when they choose to sleep in different rooms.
(8)Sleep And Coffee
Forget about counting sheep. Sleep experts recommend imagining yourself in a relaxing place, since focusing on sheep can be boring. As the clock ticks closer to bedtime, staying away from coffee also helps you fall asleep better.
Drinking coffee can mess with your internal body clock and make it harder to fall asleep, so try to avoid it later in the afternoon and evening.
(9)Sleep and Dreams
Facts about sleep and dreams include the fact that most people dream in color. You can thank the invention of color television for that! Before that happened, people dreamed mostly in black and white.
(10)Blue Light Facts
Sleep facts often include sleep experts recommending that people avoid staring at screens before going to bed. That’s because phones, tablets, and other devices give off blue light that makes your brain think it's daytime. This can lead to trouble falling asleep and sleep deprivation.
So put those screens away before bed if you're having trouble sleeping.
Sleep Better with mcalexandersound
Had enough sleep facts for now? If you're ready to pick out a sleep mask for a good night's sleep, visit mcalexandersound today! mcalexandersound Sleep Masks are made of the highest quality silk, so you can get your beauty sleep without any trouble.

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